Audiobook of A Third Rubaiyat Miscellany

A Third Rubaiyat Miscellany

by Omar Khayyam

Dive into the depths of human wisdom and experience with Omar Khayyám's A Third Rubaiyat Miscellany, a collection of quatrains that explore the mysteries of life, death, and love. Omar Khayyám was a Persian polymath, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, and poet. He is best known for his Rubaiyat, a collection of quatrains that have been translated into many languages and have been praised for their wisdom, beauty, and insight.

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Omar Khayyam was a Persian polymath, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, and poet. He was born in Neyshabur, in northeastern Persia, and was contemporary with the rule of the Seljuks around the ti...

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