Book Cover of The Voice and Public Speaking

The Voice and Public Speaking

by John Poole Sandlands

It is a valuable guidebook for anyone who wants to improve their public speaking skills. Written by John Poole Sandlands, an authority on voice production and public speaking, this book is perfect for 13-year-olds who want to learn how to communicate more effectively in front of others. The book was first published in the 19th century, but its lessons are still relevant today. It covers topics such as voice control, breathing techniques, and the importance of gestures and body language. The book also includes tips on how to write and deliver effective speeches, as well as advice on dealing with nervousness and stage fright. One of the most important lessons of the book is the idea that anyone can become a great public speaker with enough practice and dedication. Sandlands emphasizes the importance of developing a strong, clear voice and the ability to project it to a large audience. He also stresses the need for authenticity and sincerity in public speaking, encouraging readers to be true to themselves and their message. Overall, "The Voice and Public Speaking" is a timeless classic that has helped countless people become more confident and effective speakers. Whether you're a student preparing for a class presentation or an adult looking to improve your communication skills, this book is an essential resource that can help you achieve your goals.

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John Poole Sandlands was an English clergyman, naturopath, and vegetarianism activist born in Dawley, Shropshire. He worked as a schoolmaster and later obtained his B.A. and M.A. from Lichfield Colleg...

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