Image of Desiderius Erasmus


Lifetime: 1466 - 1536 Passed: ≈ 487 years ago


Philospher, Theologian



Desiderius Erasmus

Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus was a Dutch philosopher and Catholic theologian who is considered one of the greatest scholars of the northern Renaissance. As a Catholic priest, he was an important figure in classical scholarship who wrote in a pure Latin style. Among humanists he enjoyed the sobriquet "Prince of the Humanists", and has been called "the crowning glory of the Christian humanists". Using humanist techniques for working on texts, he prepared important new Latin and Greek editions of the New Testament, which raised questions that would be influential in the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation. He also wrote On Free Will,[6] In Praise of Folly, Handbook of a Christian Knight, On Civility in Children, Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style, Julius Exclusus, and many other works.

Erasmus lived against the backdrop of the growing European religious Reformation. He remained a member of the Catholic Church all his life, remaining committed to reforming the Church and its clerics' abuses from within. He also held to the doctrine of synergism, which some Reformers (Calvinists) rejected in favor of the doctrine of monergism. His middle-road (via media) approach disappointed, and even angered, scholars in both camps.

Erasmus died suddenly in Basel in 1536 while preparing to return to Brabant and was buried in Basel Minster, the former cathedral of the city.

Books by Desiderius Erasmus

The Praise of Folly  Cover image

The Praise of Folly

Tradition Theology Medieval Church Catholicism

In Praise of Folly begins with a satirical learned encomium, in which Folly praises herself, in the manner of the Greek satirist Lucian (2nd century AD), whose work Erasmus and Sir Thomas More had recently translated into Latin; it then takes a darke...

Colloquia Familiaria Cover image

Colloquia Familiaria

This collection of Latin dialogues, first published published in 1518 but greatly expanded until 1533, is among the most pleasant reading in the language for students and experts alike. Useful phrases, interesting narratives, humorous character sketc...

Lob der Narrheit Cover image

Lob der Narrheit

Hinter dem tollen Wirrwarr menschlichen Treibens, hinter den Mängeln, Schwächen, Fehlern und Untugenden sieht Erasmus die Thorheit als etwas nur Allzumenschliches an. Sie ist ihm dasjenige geistige Element, das dem Erdendasein überhaupt erst Reiz und...