Image of Edmond About


Lifetime: 1828 - 1885 Passed: ≈ 139 years ago


Novelist, Journalist



Edmond About

Edmond About was a French writer and journalist who lived from 1828 to 1885. He is best known for his literary works, which are characterized by a keen wit, sharp satire, and a profound understanding of human nature. Throughout his career, About was a prolific writer, producing novels, plays, essays, and political commentary.

One of About's most notable works is "The Man with the Broken Ear," a novel that tells the story of a man who undergoes a strange and humorous transformation after losing his ear in a duel. The novel is a brilliant satire of French society in the 19th century, and it cemented About's reputation as one of the most talented and insightful writers of his time.

About's writing was informed by a deeply humanistic philosophy, which emphasized the importance of reason, compassion, and understanding in human affairs. He was a passionate advocate for social justice and a strong critic of the injustices and inequalities that he saw in French society.

Despite his many accomplishments as a writer and journalist, About was also a controversial figure in his time. He was known for his sharp wit and acerbic critiques of his contemporaries, and he frequently engaged in heated debates and arguments with other writers and thinkers of the day.

Edmond About died in 1885 at the age of 56, but his legacy as one of France's greatest writers and intellectuals lives on to this day. He is remembered for his keen insight into human nature, his commitment to social justice and political reform, and his enduring literary legacy. In particular, his novel "The Man with the Broken Ear" remains a beloved classic of French literature, and it continues to captivate readers with its humor, satire, and sharp social commentary.

One interesting fact about Edmond About is that he was a prolific traveler, and he wrote extensively about his experiences in other countries. His writings on his travels in the Middle East and North Africa were particularly influential, helping to shape French attitudes and perceptions of these regions during the 19th century.

Books by Edmond About

The Notary's Nose Cover image

The Notary's Nose

Beauty Adventure Fortune Success Obsession Humorous Fiction Vanity

The story revolves around a notary named Jean-Pierre who is obsessed with his nose, which he believes is the most beautiful and perfect nose in the world. He becomes fixated on the idea of finding a woman with a nose that is equally beautiful, and hi...

Nariz de un notario Cover image

Nariz de un notario

Maese Alfredo L'Ambert, antes de recibir el golpe fatal que le obligó a cambiar de narices, era sin duda alguna el notario más notable de Francia. En la época aquella contaba treinta y dos años; era de elevada estatura, y poseía unos ojos grandes y r...

Nez d’un notaire Cover image

Nez d’un notaire

Un brillant notaire parisien, Alfred L'Ambert, épris d’une danseuse de ballet de quatorze ans est provoqué en duel par son rival turc après une altercation. Ayant perdu son nez au cours du duel, le notaire se tourne alors vers un chirurgien pour une...

homme à l'oreille cassée Cover image

homme à l'oreille cassée

En 1859 Renault revient à la maison après avoir passé 3 ans dans les mines en Russie. Il ramène une momie du colonel Fougas de 1813. La momie sera ressuscitée et le colonel a 24 ans à son réveil. Il ne comprend plus la France. - Summary by Margot

Germana Cover image


París 1853. Germana, una joven mujer noble, está enferma de tuberculosis y consagrada a la muerte. Esta circunstancia se convierte en la base de un acuerdo: ella deberá casarse con el Conde Don Diego y así darle un nombre a su hijo ilegítimo. A cambi...

rey de las montañas Cover image

rey de las montañas

Con aire satírico e incluso irónico, el autor francés relata en esta novela los lances y aventuras por las que pasa un jóven botánico. Por cumplimiento de su trabajo como naturalista, es enviado por el Museo de París a Grecia. La búsqueda de la "b...