Image of Miguel de Unamuno


Lifetime: 1864 - 1936 Passed: ≈ 87 years ago


Spanish essayist



Miguel de Unamuno

Miguel de Unamuno (September 29, 1864 – December 31, 1936) was a Spanish essayist, novelist, poet, playwright, philosopher, and professor of Greek and Latin literature. He was a leading figure in the Generation of '98, a group of Spanish intellectuals who reacted against the political and social stagnation of Spain in the late 19th century.

Who was he?

Unamuno was born in Bilbao, Spain, into a Basque family. He studied philosophy and literature at the University of Salamanca, where he later became a professor. He was a prolific writer, and his works include essays, novels, poems, plays, and philosophical treatises.

What was his principles?

Unamuno was a complex and contradictory figure. He was a passionate advocate for individual freedom and human rights, but he was also a devout Catholic. He was a critic of the Spanish government, but he was also a patriot.

What was he famous for?

Unamuno was famous for his outspokenness and his willingness to challenge authority. He was also known for his deep insights into the human condition. His most famous work is the novel Niebla (1914), which explores the themes of free will and determinism.

Notable works:

  • Niebla (1914): A novel that explores the themes of free will and determinism.
  • The Tragic Sense of Life (1912): A philosophical treatise that explores the problem of suffering and the meaning of life.
  • Abel Sánchez: A History of a Passion (1917): A novel that explores the themes of jealousy and rivalry.
  • Saint Manuel Bueno, Martyr (1933): A short story that explores the themes of faith and doubt.

His philosophy?

Unamuno's philosophy was influenced by a variety of sources, including existentialism, phenomenology, and Christian mysticism. He was a proponent of the idea that the individual is the only reality, and that life is a mystery that cannot be fully explained by reason.

When did he die & how is he remembered?

Unamuno died in Salamanca in 1936, during the Spanish Civil War. He was a vocal critic of the fascist regime of Francisco Franco, and his death was seen as a martyrdom by many Spaniards.

Unamuno is remembered as one of the most important Spanish writers and thinkers of the 20th century. His work continues to be read and studied by scholars and students around the world.

Books by Miguel de Unamuno

Poesías Cover image


Beauty Symbolism Poems Passion Life Emotion Verses Inspirational Spanish Literature

Sumérgete en el mundo profundo y apasionado de la poesía de Miguel de Unamuno con "Poesías", una colección que trasciende el tiempo y las emociones. A través de versos que se entrelazan como hilos de la vida misma, Unamuno nos lleva a explorar los mi...

Niebla Cover image


Niebla es una de las obras más conocidas de Unamuno. Esta “nivola”, como el propio autor la denominó quizás para diferenciarla del resto de sus obras, nos cuenta una historia a veces cómica y otras dramática, cargada de planteamientos filosóficos. A...

Abel Sánchez Cover image

Abel Sánchez

Unamuno nos pone frente a frente con una de las pasiones humanas más viles y destructivas: La envidia. Joaquín y Abel son amigos íntimos desde la infancia y ya desde el instituto Joaquín quiere tener y ser todo lo que representa Abel. Abel es un muc...

Rimas de dentro Cover image

Rimas de dentro

En el presente libro se tienen poemas fueron escritos a los largo de la vida del autor, sobre distinta temática. En casi todos ellos existe una pincelada de pensamientos casi filosóficos. Es interesante ver que incluso en algunos se ha consignado la...

Nada menos que todo un hombre Cover image

Nada menos que todo un hombre

Alejandro, es un hombre muy rico llegado de no se sabe dónde y quizá con un pasado traumático. Es un hombre sencillo, pero terco y voluntarioso. Julia Yáñez, la beldad más codiciada de la provincia, es obligada a casarse con Alejandro, pero finalment...

tía Tula Cover image

tía Tula

Gertrudis, mujer muy religiosa, decide quedarse soltera y tras la muerte de su hermana Rosa que se había casado con Ramiro dedica su vida al cuidado de los hijos de su hermana. Una vez satisfecho su instinto de maternidad no desea perder su virginida...